​In a complex international context, where persecution, conflict, human rights violations, and events disturbing public order have resulted in historically high numbers of people being forced to flee their homes, several UN and regional independent human rights experts have launched the Platform of Independent Experts on Refugee Rights (PIERR) to better coordinate joint initiatives that will enhance the protection and promotion of human rights of refugees and asylum-seekers.
The PIERR aims to provide unique insights and strengthen collective advocacy on urgent issues, gaps, and opportunities in the progressive development and implementation of international and regional legal frameworks and standards which directly impact the lives of asylum-seekers and refugees.
The Platform is currently composed of the mandates of the:
UN Special Rapporteur on trafficking in persons, especially women and children, who currently acts as the PIERR Chair;
UN Special Rapporteur on the human rights of migrants;
Working Group on arbitrary detention;
UN Committee against Torture;
Special Rapporteur on refugees, asylum seekers, internally displaced persons and migrants in Africa of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights; and,
Rapporteurship on Human Mobility of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights.
For more information on the PIERR members and their mandates, see the profiles below.
The PIERR endeavors to collaborate with others, including other UN human rights experts, refugee-led organizations, civil society groups, and others, in the work toward greater human rights protection for refugees and asylum-seekers.